A new Story

Created by Admin 10 years ago
A parent's worst Nightmare... our Reality Our story begins October 27th 2012, 1 month prior to my son’s loss and 21 weeks into my pregnancy. I went to the ER complaining that I was leaking clear fluid. The nurse ran and swab test and checked to see if it was my amniotic fluid and told me I was ok but that I had an infection. She told me to wait and that she would get the doctor. About 30 minutes later, she came and told me I had a yeast infection. I knew what a yeast infection was and told her I had no symptoms of a yeast infection which would be burning, itching or thick discharge. I listened to her anyways and never given the chance to see a doctor. I went home and took Monistat over the counter. On 11/27/2012, our lives changed forever. Our son, Jalen Gabriel Foster, was born sleeping at 25 weeks and six days gestation, due to a common bacteria known as Group B Strep. GBS is tested for in the 35th-38th week of pregnancy. GBS is found in 1 out of 4 pregnant women. Normally a woman with Group B Strep is at risk during delivery, because the bacteria will be transferred to the baby at birth. However, I was the 1% of women who had the bacteria attack the baby in utero. My case is very rare, but it happens.. it happened to me. Although I was that 1 %, I believe that number is still too high. Doctors do not make a big deal about Strep B but it is a big deal! Something is wrong.. " There is no heart beat, you have to deliver your baby". It’s still very difficult to describe the actual day my son was taken from me. It all seemed to happen in an instant. I was fine, he had a heartbeat and I felt him kick. Then all of a sudden, I was in labor, I was bleeding, and he was gone. By the time I got to the hospital I knew my son was gone. I couldn’t save him. The nurses told me the most difficult words any mother dreads to hear, “there is no heartbeat and you have to deliver your baby”. My doctor did not want to give the authorization for any pain medication. She said because I had two previous C-sections my uterus could rupture. I had to deliver my baby naturally and vaginally. I was going crazy in my head. I kept begging for some kind of medication to help me not go insane. This was going to be my first vaginal birth experience. I was not sure what was happening. My doctor was nowhere to be found. After hours of labor, my son was born sleeping. The nurse was stepping out of the room when he was delivered into the world. Everyone around me just stood there while I tried to reach for my son. Nurses kept rushing in as they continued to work on me. I guess I had a lot of blood clots and they were panicking. I had to ask one of the nurses to give me my son. She was about to take him away and looked surprised when I asked for him. He was so perfect and beautiful in every way. He looked like he was just sleeping. He was still warm and soft. I held him; I apologized to him and told him how much he is loved. It was then that I was gone from reality. A piece of me left with him. I could not say goodbye but hello. I told him that I would be with him one day and to watch over us. Once the doctor finally arrived, she explained to me that I lost Jalen due to placenta abruption. Pathology report later found a heavy rare growth of Strep B, which was the cause of my placenta detachment. Death report also states, Chorioamionitis due to Strep B. There is a sense of comfort to know the cause but no one can prepare you for what is to come. No one gets pregnant thinking they are going to lose their baby.. No one has a death plan in place.... ​ Sitting there in a daze , everything was moving around me and I was just gone... The nurses kept asking me a billion questions that I was not prepared to answer. My husband had to make all of the decisions such as: funeral home, do we want an autopsy done, is he going to be buried or cremated.... No one gets pregnant thinking they are going to lose a baby. No one has a death plan in place. I was discharged within a few hours. Before walking out, I was provided with a bag with a few items for my son. They took a picture of him and gave me a set of his prints. Before discharge, I had to ask if someone was going to come and talk to me or provide me with any information for support. A social worker came and provided me with a list of resources. To make the story short, none of those places held any support groups. In Las Vegas, NV where I live, we are not considered a small town. I was shocked to see the lack of support there was in my community for pregnancy and infant loss. I felt so alone and had nowhere to go. I was devastated. ​ "In tragedy we find our purpose".... I came home and saw my son's scrapbook empty. I broke down and at that moment that’s when I decided to make a change. I decided to start a non-profit organization in my son’s name. I want to provide a place for grieving families to come and find support after a loss. My husband and I founded, Jalen’s Gift Foundation. The experience of losing my son has changed me forever. I can think of a billion things I would of wanted to do with my son before saying goodbye. The hospital did not provide with any ideas or options. I would of loved to have 3-D molds of his precious hands and feet. The prints provided by the hospital were poorly done. You can tell that they did not take their time. I would have liked a teddy bear to hold on to as I walked out of the hospital without my son. A chance to have bathe my baby, held him longer, and contact a professional photographer or even the ones that come in the day after your baby is born... The lack of support and resources in my community inspired my husband and I to make a change in our community and make sure that every family gets the best after care possible. I don't ever want another family not being offered a full care package with life lasting memories. My Jalen will make a difference in the Las Vegas community. I will fill Jalen's scrapbook with many pictures of all the great things that are to come in his cause. His name will always be said, “Jalen’s” Gift Foundation. I just pray for strength and healing. I miss my son every day. Working on his non-profit organization brings a sense of peace and healing. I am sharing my story everywhere I go, every website and promoting awareness on Strep B and pregnancy and baby loss. This experience has changed me forever. There needs to be more talk on infant mortality. This is our story but it is only the beginning. There are a lot of great things to come with Jalen’s Gift Foundation!